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How Taylor Morgan Plans to Impact the World Through His Fitness Training Program
- Who: Taylor Morgan
- Website: thecaptainslifestyle.com
- Course Topic: Holistic Lifestyle for Entrepreneurs
- Interesting Stats: $16,500 in sales in January
Who are you and what course have you created?
I am a holistic lifestyle specialist and founder of The Captain’s Lifestyle Program.
What market does your online course serve?
The Captain’s Lifestyle Program is for entrepreneurs who want to maximize their health, happiness, and productivity so they can optimize their work-life balance while continuing to scale their impact. It’s a 90 day, 1-on-1 lifestyle optimization course with weekly accountability calls and daily check-ins. I guide you through learning and implementing the 6 pillars of optimized human performance: mindset, sleep, communication, nutrition, exercise, and biohacks.
What’s the biggest benefit of taking your course?
Creating a well-defined mission for your life and your business. Then optimizing the steps it takes to get there, leading to more health, happiness, and productivity with less stress and anxiety.
How did you get into the market?
While I was working as a CrossFit coach, all the high achievers (people who cared about their performance in everything they did) would always come up to me and ask “Coach, I’ve been coming to the gym for X amount of time, why I am I not seeing the results that I’m looking for?” To which I would respond, “Well how is your sleep? What’s your diet like? Are you stressed? etc.”
Their answers were always the same, “I get 6-7 hours on a good day, my diet is “pretty good” and work has been stressful.” Well, there you go.
Anything less than 7 hours of sleep a night is detrimental to your health, “pretty good” almost always means pretty bad, and stress plays a huge role in overall health, including inhibiting muscle gain and promoting fat accumulation. Come to find out, a lot of these high performers were entrepreneurs or executives. So I created my own program to help them optimize their life.
Why did you decide to create an online course in the first place?
In addition to wanting to increase and expand my impact outside the walls of a gym, I also wanted to live life on my terms. I wasn’t fulfilled working for someone else. I wanted to take matters into my own hands. Work when I wanted and from wherever I wanted. I wanted to create a world-class program that I knew would help these burnt-out entrepreneurs THRIVE.
Ultimately, I want to make the world a better place. I believe that starts with building better humans, people who care about themselves, their community, and the environment.
Who better to impact than entrepreneurs? They play a huge role in shaping our future with their businesses. If they build/create helpful and sustainable products/services, we continue to thrive. They are also vital to a healthy economy because they employ other people.
Healthy, happy, and productive entrepreneurs and CEOs, directly and indirectly, influence so many lives. - Taylor Morgan Click To TweetSo yes, I was originally selfish in my motives for creating this course, but my form of selfishness is helping others because that’s what fulfills me.
Did you have any moments of doubt before you created/launched it?
Of course. I think anyone who has built anything meaningful and says otherwise is lying. Of course, I struggled. Of course, there are times of self-doubt. The struggle should never go away. If it does, that means you’re not growing.
Success requires growth, growth requires challenge. Challenge often leads to “failure.” But that’s good because then you can learn from those mistakes and correct them in the future. - Taylor Morgan Click To TweetThat’s how you grow, aka succeed.
If so what made you turn it around and do it anyway?
One of the things that keep me going during particularly tough times is remembering who needs me to show up at my best. Who is benefiting from me putting in the work? How is this work going to help them live a better life? If I don’t show up, will they get the help they need before it’s too late?
Technically, I work for myself, but if you think about it, I’m working for all of my clients. And if I help my clients, I help their clients, their employees, their kids, their families. So in my mind, it’s unethical for me not to give my best effort. Of course, I’m going to keep working and building my brand because anything less would be irresponsible.
What’s your online course like?
Currently, it’s all text/videos on PowerPoint slides with links to third-party quizzes, videos, and other helpful resources.
How long did it take you to create your course?
Well, it’s still not “finished.” I don’t think it ever will be. I’m constantly updating and revising the information, and my service to provide a better experience and a greater impact. So to get to where I am now, it’s taken my whole life.
But to answer your question a little less literally, I would say it initially took me about 6 months to have the MVP (minimum viable product). I took two online coaching business mentorship programs to guide me through the process.
Tell us a little about the process of launching your course and getting your first sale(s).
I first launched my course and got my first client at the very beginning of 2020. Before the launch, I advertised it for about a month on social media, Instagram specifically. You think the launch is gonna be some big, monumental event, which it is… to you.
But to most people, you’re just another salesperson on social media trying to get people to buy your product. So it caught me off guard when I finally “launched” and there wasn’t this huge influx of clients throwing their credit cards at me. And that’s OKAY!
You shouldn’t be marketing to everyone. As long as you’re speaking to your ideal client, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. - Taylor Morgan Click To TweetBut once you make that first sale, it’s a great feeling.
Do you have a lead magnet?
Yes but I don’t advertise it much and it hasn’t brought me any clients. To be fair, I haven’t worked that much on it which I know I need to start doing to automate leads. But currently, I’m offering my 4-3-2-1-30 Method PDF. It’s a detailed nightly ritual to help you get a better night’s sleep the first night you implement it.
What’s the traffic strategy that works best for you?
Currently, most of my clients either come from people I reach out to on Instagram, people I know in my personal life, and word of mouth referrals. The social media outreach strategy only works if people know, like, and trust you. Those spam messages saying “Hey @yourinstagramname ! I love your content! It looks like you’d be a perfect fit for XYZ… etc.” don’t work. You have to build relationships, which takes time. Word of mouth referrals works the best because it’s coming from someone they already know, like, and trust.
What online course platform are you using?
Right now everything is still on PowerPoint slides. I’m in the process of getting everything uploaded onto Kajabi. But if you’re just starting out, I don’t recommend paying for any sort of platform. Making some simple PowerPoint slides will work fine until you establish yourself and your program. I’ve had my program up and running for over a year and am just now working on getting it onto a platform. It just hasn’t been my main priority, still isn’t, which is why it’s taking so long.
Kajabi is the All-In-One Course Platform
Kajabi is one of the top online course platforms used by successful course creators interviewed on coursemethod.com. Kajabi includes email marketing and other tools that make it easy to run your entire business from their platform.
- Price Range: $149 to $399/month
- Most Popular Plan: Growth Plan at $199/month
- Annual Discount: Yes, take 20% off!
- Free Trial: Get a 14-day free trial (credit card required)
Do you like it?
For the limited time I’ve spent using Kajabi personally, yes I like it. It’s pretty simple and they provide a lot of free training on how to use it. I’ve also gone through coaching courses hosted on Kajabi and those have been great as well.
What made you decide to use your chosen platform over others?
Both coaching programs I went through were hosted on Kajabi and it was recommended to me by my business coach.
What other tools do you use to run your online course business?
Typeform, Google Workspace, Slack, and Zoom.
What books or training programs have you found useful on your journey to a successful business owner that others might find valuable too?
Online Coach Accelerator with Rachel Bell was the first program I did. It was a great start but I still felt like I needed more guidance.
O23 Coaching Systems. They were the second online coaching business course I went through and they have been extremely helpful. They are specific to fitness/health/wellness coaches. Tell them Taylor sent you.
Do you have any big mistakes you’ve made along the way that you’d be willing to share?
Big mistakes? Not that I can think of. Of course, there have been plenty of mistakes, they happen almost daily! I’m only a year into this so I’m learning as I go. Mistakes are a natural and (if you learn from them) an essential part of the journey. I’d say my biggest mistake was not creating systems and outsourcing/delegating tasks earlier.
Start documenting how you do everything from day one so you can easily train an employee to do it. Hire someone before you’re ready. - Taylor Morgan Click To TweetThis will save you a lot of time and stress in the future.
Please share some idea of revenue.
In January of this year, I sold $16,500.
Please tell us a little about what the money you’ve earned from your course has done for you.
It’s allowed me to invest more in my future while living a comfortable lifestyle. I invest a lot of the money back into the company as well. This means maximizing my personal health, happiness, and productivity. Because as I teach my clients, if I’m not operating at 100%, my business isn’t either. I’m currently working with a business coach and always looking for new ways to grow and scale my impact.
What has creating your course done for you personally?
It helps me continue to grow in every aspect of my life. I practice what I preach. The better I get, the better my program gets, the better my clients get, the better the people around them get, the better the world gets. It also allows me the freedom to create my own schedule which I love.
Do you have a story of a transformation from any of your clients?
“Taylor’s program changed how I prepare and manage my days, resulting in a new focus, energy, and approach that has benefited me in so many ways. I’ve become more self-disciplined, intentional about how I plan and manage my work, and given more consideration to short and long-term goals, and what is necessary to reach them. More than anything, I appreciate how Taylor doesn’t give up on you, even when there are moments you are close to giving up. Having him help to keep you accountable for what you want is a game-changer.”
I’ve also recorded multiple podcasts with my clients on their transformations:
- 061: 2020 – A Year of Transformation: Advice For A Better Life – With Justin Martinez
- 056: Client Testimonials: Optimize Your Self = Optimize Your Business – With Michael Lowther
- 046: Client Testimonials: A Former Marine’s Journey Towards Self Confidence – Advice Everyone Needs To Hear – With Forrest Kuhlmann
- 041: Client Testimonials: From Email Alarm Clock To Living The Captain’s Lifestyle – With Nicholas Foraker
What advice do you have for people just starting out?
Hire a coach!!! Don’t try to do this by yourself. Whatever money you spend on a coach (as long as they’re a good coach) will be multiplied 10x in income and impact in the future. Invest in yourself!