How Ange Loughran Earned £21,000 Profit From the Launch of Linkedin Brilliance

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  • Who: Ange Loughran
  • Website:
  • Course Topic: LinkedIn
  • Interesting Stats: 650 people enrolled w/first launch

Who are you and what course have you created?

I’m a multi-business owner in both online and offline space. I’ve been self-employed for 20 years. My businesses are based on the island of Lanzarote in the Canaries. However, 90% of my clients come from off the island. Therefore I have always used the online space for sales and marketing (even in the days before social media when all we had were forums and clip art 😉

When the pandemic arrived in 2020 I wanted to help more people learn how to professionally network online. So I created a 30 day Bootcamp Style course called Linkedin Brilliance.

Linkedin is something I have helped businesses and individuals with, on a one-to-one basis for many years. However, doing a course accessible to all was what I wanted to do (a lower ticket price for group training).

What market does your online course serve?

Linkedin Brilliance helps anyone who wants a more professional online presence, sell a product or service (or get their dream job), or learn how to turn their boring dusty and grey old CV-style profile into a lead-generating sales page for organic traffic. It helps them remove the fear of the platform and turn it into their favorite.

Facebook and Instagram are great for building brands and businesses but they are essentially the playgrounds. Linkedin is the ONLY platform purposed for BUSINESS. My course, Linkedin Brilliance, gives people the confidence to step out of the playground and into the boardroom  – where the real deals go down!

What’s the biggest benefit of taking your course?

The biggest benefit of taking the course is the CONFIDENCE you’ll get from learning how to create professional content. To have professional conversations whilst still being yourself and having fun. This not only adds a great extra tool to your business tool kit with your new Linkedin profile but helps you across all other platforms too as you become a more natural and more focused content created and learn to network like a pro.

How did you get into the market?

I’ve used Linkedin since 2014 and a few years ago whilst on a high-profile business trip with 6 & 7 figure coaches and authors (actually on Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island). I was flabbergasted to learn how many of these incredible business people weren’t using Linkedin like I was, or weren’t using it at all. That’s when I started to help them on a one-to-one basis and found I really enjoyed it. Their results and feedback were mind-blowing.

Why did you decide to create an online course in the first place?

I decided to create the course to help more people during the pandemic. Setting a low ticket price meant just about anyone would be able to benefit from my lessons and I wanted to help people level up in lockdown.

Did you have any moments of doubt before you created/launched it?

I never thought I wasn’t good enough, but I did worry no one would join.

If so what made you turn it around and do it anyway?

I changed my mindset from worrying that no one would join to imagining how transformational it would be for one person. - Ange Loughran Click To Tweet

The ripple effect on their confidence, their business, their professional and personal life. I knew that I could change everything for them with 30 bite-size lessons and that would make doing the course worthwhile. 650 people ended up buying it!

What’s your online course like?

I recorded the videos on photo booth on my laptop using a laptop stand and a ring light. I had the logo of my course printed on a canvas which I hung in the background in a clear corner of my office at home and recorded each video in that spot. During the recording, I spoke to the camera, with no slides and very little screen sharing. I set tasks in between each video that people were encouraged to do before moving on to the next.

How long did it take you to create your course?

It took me 8 days. I made a list of the things I wanted to teach. Then I broke them down into 30 bitesize lesson titles, put them in order, and started recording. I then saved the MP4 on my laptop titling which lesson it was and added them to a folder. I then subtitled them using an online tool called Happy Scribe and uploaded them in order to a platform called Teachable, then into a Facebook group.

Ange Loughran's site

Tell us a little about the process of launching your course and getting your first sale(s).

I despise paid sales so I decided to market organically using Instagram and Facebook stories. I shared some social proof of previous one-to-one client results. Then I also reached out to some of the people in my network to share it with their audience too which they were happy to do.

Do you have a lead magnet?

I don’t have a lead magnet, but this course ended up being one!

I have since signed 2 big one-to-one clients from the course generating a further £30k, many other ad-hoc paid things, been featured as an expert in many paid groups, and contributed to a book as a result of the exposure that the… Click To Tweet

What’s the traffic strategy that works best for you?

ORGANIC ALL THE WAY! Letting my audience get to know like and trust me on Instagram and Facebook for the Linkedin course, using stories, and turning my social media into a Netflix series, allowing people to get to know the characters and storylines in my life and getting them addicted to following!

What online course platform are you using?

I am using Teachable. I find Teachable super simple to use, though quite expensive at $119 a month.

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Check Out Teachable

Teachable is one of the top online course platforms used by successful course creators interviewed on It is easy to set up and build your site pages, and the course area looks great. 

  • Price Range: $0 (+ transaction fees) to $299/month
  • Most Popular Plan: Pro Plan at $119/month
  • Annual Discount: Yes, take 17% off!
  • Free Trial: Try out Teachable’s core features for free
*Our content is reader supported, which means when you buy from links you click on, we may earn a commission.

Are there any features you wish it had?

It would be good to be able to create better sales pages from Teachable and also a monthly membership.

I wish it was easier to make sales pages. I don’t enjoy that part, for this course I made the sales page in Click Funnels originally which was much better. Honestly, I don’t enjoy the tech side of course creation.

What made you decide to use your chosen platform over others?

A friend was running her courses there so I had some word of mouth.

Ange Loughran's site

What other tools do you use to run your online course business?

The stories feature on Instagram and Facebook are a huge audience builder for me. Networking and winning clients via LinkedIn is essential for me.

What books or training programs have you found useful on your journey to a successful business owner that others might find valuable too?

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz really centered me and taught me how not to worry about what others said and think. I live my life by those agreements.

Do you have any big mistakes you’ve made along the way that you’d be willing to share?

Beyond this particular course, I didn’t think I needed to prepare an email sequence and upsell. I had not anticipated the success of it and wasn’t ready. It’s possible I could have made 6 figures directly after the course with a good upsell.

People wanted more and I had nothing to funnel them into other than working with me one to one which was a big jump from a low ticket, a mid-range offer was needed. Kicking myself now!

Ange Loughran's site

Please share some idea of revenue.

This course bought in £21,000 profit.

Please tell us a little about what the money you’ve earned from your course has done for you.

Financially this course and the clients that came to me on a one-to-one basis afterward have bought in an extra income stream that has given me and my family much bigger peace of mind during the pandemic. We live on an island that relies on tourism and as such the economy has crashed. Being able to create a course and earn money online so easily is a godsend.

In addition to revenue are there any numbers you would like to share?

I grew my email list by 600 new people and expanded my network with a whole new set of people that weren’t already in it, which has lead to collaborations and friendships which I am enjoying immensely.

What has creating your course done for you personally?

Creating the course with my then 15-year-old daughter Arabella at home doing GCSE’s (final school exams) during the pandemic, inspired her to actually create and launch her own! She was able to easily come up with an idea, a sales page, a brand, and content! She had learned how to speak to the camera, to subtitle, and upload to Teachable as she was with me every step of the way in my office.

For me, this was the biggest win of all. She is now earning a great income herself – at a time when there were no work experience opportunities in tourism for her to go to after school was out.

Ange Loughran's site

Do you have a story of a transformation from any of your clients?

One of my clients was really miserable in her 9-5. She was paid very well, the company gave her many cash and other luxury incentives, but the environment was toxic. Her mental health was at an all-time low, her marriage was suffering and her physical health was poor. That was then. She was soon able to launch her own courses, coaching, speaking gigs, and even became a best-selling author. She is happier than ever before. Her marriage is back on track. And the family is united. She is in control of her life. All because of the confidence and encouragement she got from this – that was the catalyst. Even the dog is happier as its owner is at home all day instead of driving around the country working for someone else!

What advice do you have for people just starting out?

My best advice is to sell the course before you’ve made the content. You only need your idea and concept in place. Find a solution that fixes a problem of your target market and they’ll buy it!

Over-deliver, give them more than your sales page promised, blow their minds and they’ll become raving fans for life! - Ange Loughran Click To Tweet

Have a secondary offer / upsell in place and seed that in before the end of the course!

Learn more about Ange Loughran of

Lisa Parmley
Lisa Parmley

Lisa Parmley is the founder of After gaining a Master's degree, she worked in research for about seven years. She started a training company in 2001, offering a course helping people pass a professional exam. That course has earned multiple 7 figures. She created SEO and authority site building training around 2007 which went on to earn well into the 6-figure mark.

She has 22+ years of experience in the trenches creating and selling online courses. Get help starting and growing your online course business here.

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