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How Alexis Haselberger Helped Over 2,761 Students Better Manage Their Time

- Who: Alexis Haselberger
- Website: AlexisHaselberger.com
- Course Topic: Time management
- Interesting Stats: 2,761 students so far
Who are you and what course have you created?
I’m a time management and productivity coach. I help people do more, stress less, and build the balance that’s right for them. My course is called “Time Management Mastery: Do More, Stress Less”.
What market does your online course serve?
My online course is for you if you have a LOT on your plate and want to find a system to handle it all, and also get downtime for yourself.
My ideal client might be an employee who doesn’t feel organized, a manager or exec who is learning to handle their own work and be an effective leader at the same time, a working parent, or someone who has recently said one of the following:
- “I just don’t have enough hours in the day!”
- “I’ve got too much on my plate!”
- “I have no downtime!”
- “I feel like I’m failing at work AND home!”
- “Planning stresses me out!”
With my online course (and my 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and corporate workshop offerings) my goal is to help people do more of what they want, less of what they don’t, and use their time intentionally, in service of their own goals and values.
What’s the biggest benefit of taking your course?
Most people do what I call “letting the day happen to you”, where you are busy all day, but you aren’t really accomplishing much. It’s a frustrating place to be in because it doesn’t feel like there’s any wiggle room. But there is.
The biggest benefit of taking my online course is that it will help you use your most precious resource, time, in a more intentional way. You’ll come away with simple systems that will allow you to get the important stuff done and stop letting stuff fall through the cracks. You’ll also learn how to organize and prioritize so that at the end of the day, you feel good about what you’ve accomplished.
How did you get into the market?
I spent the first 15 years of my career running HR and business operations in early-stage start-ups in the Bay Area. In a start-up environment, there is always so much more to do than people to do it. People work hard, they work long hours, and they burn out.
My super-power was always the ability to get A LOT done, and done well, with minimal effort and stress. I had a boss that used to tell people that I could do in 20 hours what most could do in 60 hours. Over time, people started recognizing these skills and starting to come to me for help with streamlining processes, creating systems, prioritization and general time management.
When the last start-up I worked for went out of business (as more than 90% of start-ups do), I decided that the most impactful thing I’d been doing was helping others with time management, productivity and stress reduction. And luckily, that was also the aspect of my career that was the most fulfilling for me.
At that point, I decided to open my own time management and productivity coaching and consulting business so that I could help others kill it at work, and have fulfilling personal lives as well. I haven’t looked back. Turns out, there are a lot of folks really struggling in this department so there was a strong product-market fit.
I started by coaching individual clients, and then set-up coaching groups and designing and delivering workshops in even larger settings. Then, out of the blue, someone from Udemy reached out to me on Linkedin and asked if I would be interested in creating an online course on time management because they didn’t have a great one for their “Udemy for Business” product.
I jumped at the opportunity and created my first online course. At this point, over 2,500 people have taken my course, and I have new enrollees almost every day. Recently, I started working on a new course specifically for working parents who want to kill it at work AND be present at home.
Why did you decide to create an online course in the first place?
The primary reason I created the online course was as a way to help more people. As a coach, I’m limited in terms of my own time. There are only so many 1:1 clients I can serve at any given time (if I still want a good balance in my own life).
I’ve often heard from my clients that their lives have changed for the better. I wanted more people to experience feeling on top of it all, excelling at work and at home, and all without stress.
It gives me great joy and satisfaction seeing the positive change my clients’ experience in their lives, and I knew that I could teach the skills and strategies that lead to that type of transformation in an online format.
An online course is a way for me to scale myself so that I can reach more people and help even more people create positive change in their lives. -Alexis Haselberger Click To TweetDid you have any moments of doubt before you created/launched it?
I honestly didn’t have much doubt when putting my course together. I already had a lot of experience building curriculum for my 1:1 and group coaching programs and for my workshops. That allowed me to repurpose some content. I also was comfortable on camera, as I do all of my coaching work via Zoom already.
The most difficult part was writing the scripts – it was definitely the largest writing project I’d undertaken since college. However, because I’m pretty methodical, and I use the methods that I teach to others, I never felt overwhelmed.
What’s your online course like?
There are over 40 short (5 minutes or less) lectures in my course and they are mostly direct to camera (“talking head”) style, with some visuals and words on-screen for emphasis.
In each section, there are also practice activities to help students put the skills and strategies into practice and there are lots of downloadable resource materials.
How long did it take you to create your course?
The course took me about 5 months to create, but I wasn’t working on it full time. I probably worked on it 3 hours a week, on average, during that time because I have a full load of coaching clients as well.
First I made an outline of the large sections so that I would have an arc for the course. Then I defined the individual lessons and decided to present the content (video, slides, etc.) and defined the practice activities and the downloadable resource materials.
Once the detailed outline was complete, I got started on the script. The script took a couple of weeks of head-down work. As I was writing the script, I created the activities and materials for each lesson so that all those were complete by the time the script was complete.
After the script was finalized, and I’d practiced it several times through it was time to film. We did all the filming in a single, marathon day, using a teleprompter and 2 cameras. We tried to stick to 3 takes per lecture. Then it was time for editing. During the editing process, I decided what text and visuals to overlay on the screen and where.
Tell us a little about the process of launching your course and getting your first sale(s).
As I mentioned, Udemy reached out to me about creating the course. And I was so lucky that they did. Since I offer my course on the Udemy platform (both the consumer platform and the “Udemy for Business” platform), I had built-in traffic that generated the first sale. However, I also promoted the course to my email list, on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, to everyone I know in person, on my website, etc. I also mention it when I speak at conferences.
Do you have a lead magnet?
I do use lead magnets in my business, but I must admit, I didn’t for the course launch. However, as I mentioned, I’m currently in the process of developing another online course (for working parents) and do plan to use more targeted lead magnets with this next launch.
What’s the traffic strategy that works best for you?
Because I’m relatively new to the online course (and online marketing) worlds, the best source of traffic to my course right now has been the fact that it’s part of “Udemy for Business” as so it’s available to anyone who has a “Udemy for Business” subscription. But I know that sending it out to my email list and promoting it on social media have also been sound strategies.
What online course platform are you using?
My course is on Udemy.com and I really like their learning platform. It’s very straightforward and easy to use. It’s easy for me to make updates to my course as necessary, to change the sales page if I need to, and to allow for a couple of free sample videos. I also really like their interface for communicating with students and for seeing course reviews and responding.
Are there any features you wish it had?
Udemy recently streamlined its promotions/coupon codes feature and deleted some of the options for discounts. I wish they would bring custom coupons back.
What other tools do you use to run your online course business?
Canva is essential for creating lead magnets, social posts, etc. I also use Unsplash (for stock photography) and FlatIcon (for icons). Gsuite is also essential. All my scripts and materials are in Google Docs and my outlines are in Sheets. For email marketing I use MailChimp.
What books or training programs have you found useful on your journey to becoming a successful business owner?
Amy Porterfield’s “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast is a great resource, as is Jacques Hopkins’ “The Online Course Guy” podcast. I also enrolled in Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy when I started creating my new course; it’s really a valuable step-by-step guide. I’m excited to try out her webinar sales strategy when I launch my next course. Finally, there is a really old book that was recommended to me and I really enjoyed and found valuable “How I raised myself from failure to success in selling”. Terrible title, great book.
Do you have any big mistakes you’ve made along the way that you’d be willing to share?
I think the biggest mistake I’ve made is simply not promoting the course enough. Because I have other offerings in my business, at times the course takes a back burner.
Please share some idea of revenue.
On average I make several hundred dollars per month on the course. It’s only sold through Udemy (so I have a significant revenue split). On my next course, I’m planning to sell it myself using a different platform. That way I can keep all of the revenue.
Please tell us a little about what the money you’ve earned from your course has done for you.
The money I’m making from my course isn’t life-changing (right now). It does pay for all the extracurriculars for my kids (and more). Plus it’s all completely passive income right now. It’s nice to know that if I couldn’t work, I’d still have a bit of steady passive income coming in.
In addition to revenue are there any numbers you would like to share?
As of this writing, 2,761 students have taken my course, and it launched less than 8 months ago. -Alexis Haselberger Click To TweetHaving had this many students take my course is definitely an accomplishment for me. My reach has greatly expanded and I’ve been able to help so many more people. These numbers are a result of my own marketing, but also the fact that Udemy helps me market to the “Udemy for Business” market.
What has creating your course done for you personally?
Creating this course has made me feel like I have something of real value that I can offer at scale. -Alexis Haselberger Click To TweetAs a coach, I know that I provide real value to my clients because they tell me all the time. But I wasn’t sure it would translate online. Creating the course and launching it proved that I could help people make a positive change in their lives.
Do you have a story of a transformation from any of your clients?
Yes, I met a woman at a conference (we were both speaking at the same conference) and we got to talking. I had mentioned my course to her. About a week later, I received an email from her saying that she purchased my course, already completed it, and she sent me the following, unsolicited, testimonial:
“Working with Alexis is a life changer. Like just about everyone else, I always felt too busy, stressed out, and like I was chasing the elusive work/life balance. It had gotten so bad, I was forgetting conversations within hours because I didn’t have enough bandwidth to remember.
Enter Alexis.
During a 20 minute talk, she convinced me that it just takes some very simple tips and tools to get a handle on the chaos. Her ideas were so simple, but brilliant. I was hooked. From there, I followed up with a longer course. Within a week, my email inboxes (which used to contain hundreds of emails) were empty. I had also consolidated all of my “to do” lists, post-it notes, email tasks, and whatnot into a single, easy to use app.
It was so much easier than I thought it would be, and took such a huge weight off my chest. I still have more work to do, but I know it only gets better from here. Work (and life!) are so much easier when you’re not stressing out about remembering it all. Thank you Alexis!”
What advice do you have for people just starting out?
Take it one step at a time. If you’re a person who likes to learn as much as you can before you dive into something, go listen to some of those podcasts I mentioned.
Once you have an idea, validate it with others before you start. Make sure you’re solving a real problem. Then break up your project plan into small bits and just start knocking off a little at a time.