How Theresa Noye Will Change Lives with Her Personal Power Academy

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Who are you and what course have you created?

I’m Theresa Noye, America’s Divinity Coach and the creator of the Personal Power Academy.

What market does your online course serve?

I serve successful middle-aged women ready to put themselves first and create their most authentic life.

What’s the biggest benefit of taking your course?

Awaken to your divinity and experience true freedom.

How did you get into the market?

I saw a YouTube ad for Brendon Burchard and his personal development programs. At that time, I was coaching women in small groups and 1:1. I never thought of doing it digitally. A few months later I saw another ad for Danielle Leslie’s Course from Scratch. Because she was a black woman I clicked with her and invested in her program.

Theresa Noye's site

Why did you decide to create an online course in the first place?

For years I lived in self-sabotage mode. I feigned a happy life and felt trapped in the lifeless cycle. When my son was diagnosed with autism I took off my mask. I sparked my divine power to create an authentic life of endless possibilities.

I started teaching other women my Divine Enrichment Method in faith communities, higher education, and the autism community.

I’m on a mission to help 1 million women unleash their God power to be the bold creators of their most authentic life.

The bests way to accomplish this is through an online course.

Did you have any moments of doubt before you created/launched it?

My struggles were with tech, marketing, and time. I knew I could deliver transformation. But I never had a business. I didn’t have dreams of being an entrepreneur. All of the business stuff was new to me. And I was not very tech-savvy.

I also had to learn how to create my Methodology. And break it down into simple systematic practical steps. That was a learning curve and took patience.

I am very intuitive so I didn’t always have the language for what I do.

However, I invested in great coaches that were able to help me where there were gaps.

If so what made you turn it around and do it anyway?

I knew that I was at the answer to someone’s prayers. There were women that were waiting for the transformation that Personal Power Academy delivers. This was bigger than me. This was for the highest good of all. And when women change the world changes.

I also felt the call for other women of color that would see me and take the leap. When I saw Danielle Leslie it inspired me to move forward because she looked like me. There are other women of color that may feel stuck but won’t move forward. When they see someone that looks like them, can relate, and have a similar experience it releases them to trust and take the leap. I wanted to honor those women.

I wanted to honor my ancestors. My work is personal. My ancestors have survived so much. But they didn’t have the tools that we have now to navigate their trauma. The residual effect has been passed down to generations. My work helps to break the cycle of stress, overwhelm, martyrdom, unworthiness and unleash the divinity to experience true freedom.

Finally, I was still working my full-time job. Learning to create space for my business amidst a very demanding job in higher education, while keeping my family a priority was a huge learning curve.  Everyone in the family had to make adjustments and they weren’t always happy about them. We’ve developed a rhythm now and they are proud of what I am building.

What’s your online course like?

The course includes:

  • Video (live & audio w/slides)
  • Downloadable worksheets
  • Audio  prayers/mediations
  • There is also a Facebook group where ask questions, share wins, etc
  • Weekly Live group coaching via zoom

Theresa Noye's site

How long did it take you to create your course?

I created my course over an 8 week period with the program I was enrolled in.

The process consisted of clarifying. A lot of it. Who was I? What did I have to offer? Who did I want to serve? Why? What was the transformation?

I did a lot of research and I had interviews with a lot of women. Their input really helped to inform me on the content creation.

Then I defined my methodology. The pillars of my program. The assessments.

There was a lot of refining.

And then finally, how to make sure they got results that last.

This included evaluations and interviews with clients after the program. And then more fine-tuning.

I continue to fine-tune after each cohort.

Tell us a little about the process of launching your course and getting your first sale(s).

The first time I reached out to my circle of friends. I sent an email and told them what I was doing & invited them to participate. I had 5 people sign up and I totally undervalued my course. In the end, they didn’t take it seriously. I was frustrated and did not enjoy it.

The second time I increased my prices. I again reached out to people I knew. I had 3 people. They were all in. And they all got amazing results.

After that, I started a Facebook group and did challenges. My clients began to come from the Facebook group and referrals.

Do you have a lead magnet?

My lead magnets are live experiences.

They are either a masterclass or a free 5-day challenge.

They are very effective.

I just developed a quiz and a masterclass video. I plan to start using those as lead magnets.

What’s the traffic strategy that works best for you?

Right now free challenges and the Facebook group work best. That’s the strategy that I learned with my coaching program.

I started experimenting with Clubhouse. I found that to work well.

This year I will be experimenting with ads.

What online course platform are you using?

I use Sam Cart and I like it. It is clean. Simple. Very user friendly.

Theresa Noye's site

Are there any features you wish it had?

It’s really nice. I like it.

What made you decide to use your chosen platform over others?

Price was the biggest factor. I was already using Sam Cart. They added a course platform as a benefit. So it was a no-brainer.

What other tools do you use to run your online course business?

I use the following tools:

  • Zapier
  • SamCart
  • Stripe
  • Mailerlite
  • Virtual Assistant

What books or training programs have you found useful on your journey to a successful business owner that others might find valuable too?

Books: The Big Leap, The Prosperous Coach, Wake Up And Live, Attaining Your Desires, The War of Art, Go for No, The 5 Second Rule, Building a StoryBrand, Atomic Habits, TO Sell Is Human.

Training Programs: Find a good coach that you connect with. Tai Goodwin: Liberated CEO, Dawnna St Louis: Fyrebrand, Danielle Leslie: Course From Scratch, Geeta Nadkarni: Impact With Influence Simone Seol: Joyful Marketing.

Theresa Noye's site

Do you have any big mistakes you’ve made along the way that you’d be willing to share?

There are a lot of mistakes. It’s part of the journey. The biggest one is attempting to do it by myself and not asking for help.  Once I started making the investment in good coaches I made more progress.

Please share some idea of revenue.

My course is run in Cohorts. Since I have a Live group coaching component I launch around my schedule. Now that I know what works I am going all-in with marketing and launching a cohort every 10 weeks.

  • 1st Cohort: $250
  • 2nd Cohort: $1500
  • 3rd Cohort: $16k
  • 4th Cohort: $30k

Please tell us a little about what the money you’ve earned from your course has done for you.

My goal is to leave my job and do this very important work. The Personal Power Academy changes lives. -Theresa Noye Click To Tweet

I never understood that I could change lives and create wealth.

I am poised to do both. And I’m just getting started at the beautiful age of 54.

What has creating your course done for you personally?

The whole journey has been transformative. At 52 I decided to do something no one in my family or circle has ever done.

Start a movement for women to know that they are divine and can create a life they truly love.

This has caused me to go deeper. Deeper in my connection with God. Deeper in my commitment to myself. And deeper in creating my most authentic life. Every win is a win for women, especially black women. They see what is possible. And we all win.

Do you have a story of a transformation from any of your clients?

What I love is that every single person from each cohort has had a powerful transformation. Every one. That is amazing to me.

In my most recent cohort, Mona Bourne, MA said …

“Most of my life I had been walking around feeling like I was carrying a dead man on my back. I wouldn’t go anywhere by myself. I was so afraid. Since PPA that man is gone. I’ve learned who I am. I found Mona. I can’t remember a time when I was so happy. Get ready. Look out!”

What advice do you have for people just starting out?

Take your time. The idea for your course was given to you to serve the highest good of all. People are waiting for you. Get help for what you don’t know.

Learn. Take action. Make mistakes. Learn. Rinse and repeat. It’s impossible for you to fail. -Theresa Noye Click To Tweet

Learn more about Theresa Noye of

Lisa Parmley
Lisa Parmley

Lisa Parmley is the founder of After gaining a Master's degree, she worked in research for about seven years. She started a training company in 2001, offering a course helping people pass a professional exam. That course has earned multiple 7 figures. She created SEO and authority site building training around 2007 which went on to earn well into the 6-figure mark.

She has 22+ years of experience in the trenches creating and selling online courses. Get help starting and growing your online course business here.

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