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How Nikki Trott Went From Fashion Advertising Director to Conscious Entrepreneur Helping Others Work on Their Own Power
- Who: Nikki Trott
- Website: consciousaccelerator.com
- Course Topic: Entrepreneurship
- Interesting Stats: 15,000 Going Conscious podcast listeners
Who are you and what course have you created?
I am the Founder and CEO of Conscious Accelerator, which is dedicated to helping ethical entrepreneurs thrive and profit with purpose. Our Mastermind is a hands-on, part-time program designed to help visionary entrepreneurs become personally and professionally fulfilled and successful with a proven methodology integrating internal power with external strategy work.
The Conscious Accelerator Mastermind’s unique holistic methodology drives your personal growth and business vision holistically to deliver lasting transformation. This proprietary process takes you from coaching through to consulting methodologies.
We have seen time and time again that an entrepreneur creates a company and impact that reflects the state of their internal environment, and that they can’t sustainably run a thriving business without working on their own power first. This combined with world-leading strategies sets up our entrepreneur students to really succeed – whatever success looks like and is defined by them.
I am also the creator and host of the Going Conscious podcast, listened to in over 30 countries by over 10,000 listeners, and I was selected as one of Thrive Global’s “Top 12 Thriving Female Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2021”.
Together with my clients, I am proving that the future of business is driven by purpose and that together we can transform our lives and the world through conscious entrepreneurship.
What market does your online course serve?
I created my online course for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to make an impact on the world, and their own life. People who are striving to create profit and purpose hand-in-hand and who are ready to do so faster, with more internal alignment and power, and with more tried-and-tested strategies. Our clients range from sustainable fashion brands to impact technologies to conscious CEOs.
Most of our students, clients, team, and show guests are all visionary women (with some enlightened men in there too!).
What’s the biggest benefit of taking your course?
A transformation of your inner world and outer impact in one holistic journey.
“The mastermind has accelerated my whole life on every different level – work-wise but also it’s really deep work.”
— Dani Felder, Co-Founder of Felder Felder
What you’ll get: the transformations:
- From imposter syndrome and fear of failure to self-belief and abundance.
- From unfulfilled to aligning with your purpose and potential.
- Go from choosing between profit and purpose to changing the world with both.
- From reacting to implementing strategic business and brand tools to drive growth.
- Go from lone wolf to conscious change-maker community to support your leveling up.
- From separating internal alignment from business strategy to driving success for you and your business together.
The program supports you to use business for good – in your life and the world.
How do we achieve this?
First by transforming ourselves, working through our blockers, and igniting our inner power.
The old days of separating deep personal work from business vision and strategies are long gone. We have seen again and again that we must support each client and student to thrive internally and move out of their own way in order to enable them to unleash their biggest potential and impact on the world. That benefits each person, the collective consciousness that is rising, their business bottom line, and the people and world around them.
Win, win, win!
The mastermind process takes you through deep internal work, purpose alignment, and world-class business strategies so that you can thrive, and your business can thrive. Together.
How did you get into the market?
Having built my career as a Director at leading fashion advertising agencies across London and New York, I thought I had achieved success and yet didn’t feel fulfilled. In search of more, I escaped London for Berlin to work for myself, building a thriving company consulting global brands from Vans to Mercedes Benz. Whilst loving entrepreneurship, I still wasn’t fulfilled. My spirituality deepened, clarifying the uncomfortable reality that my work encouraged overconsumption, unhappiness, and pillage of the planet. My business wasn’t aligned with my values.
I knew I needed to make another drastic change: so, listening to my intuition, I trained as a transformation coach. I began coaching visionary impact entrepreneurs around the world on their personal and business challenges, blockers, opportunities, relationships, and growth. This led to me founding Conscious Accelerator where the world’s top visionary entrepreneurs who want to leave a positive legacy come together.
Why did you decide to create an online course in the first place?
I realized that I could only help a certain number of people by working one-on-one with them, and my fees were becoming prohibitively high for some people. I wanted to bring everything I had learned and the methodology I had developed to as many people as I could. Once I set this up, I also found that bringing my clients together in a supportive community was greatly beneficial to them.
There are many people who want to use business for good around the world - coming together online and growing and sharing together is how I can have an impact on myself. - Nikki Trott Click To TweetAlumni have described the Mini Mastermind as “deeply healing” (Erica) and “accelerating my whole life on every different level” (Daniela) or “a very rewarding journey” (Annette) or “10/10 – truly transformative in the way I see myself, my personal brand, and business” (Ylani).
Did you have any moments of doubt before you created/launched it?
Yes, I wondered what my extensive global fashion network would think of my new conscious direction. I knew it was right for me and expressing my true self, but I still worried about being judged. I had to let go of presuming the expectations of others and let myself just flow with my journey.
If so what made you turn it around and do it anyway?
I knew I couldn’t carry on doing something that didn’t align with my values, so I felt that in the end, I didn’t have any other choice but to pursue it.
I also knew that, especially with an online course, my work could evolve and grow over time and didn’t need to be 100% perfect at the time of launch. I’ve enjoyed seeing how people work with the methodology and taking their feedback on board to continue to evolve the Conscious Accelerator Mastermind over time.
What’s your online course like?
The course is divided into three steps, with three weeks for each step (nine weeks in total but you can take up to 20 weeks if you like). Each week has three modules to take you on your journey from deep inner work to the strategic definition. The learning materials are module videos, recordings, worksheets, a private group, and live calls.
How long did it take you to create your course?
Years! I collated my expertise and experiences to create the mastermind methodology. Once I had it, I created the Mastermind course in two months. It was intense, but I started my first client on the curriculum before I had completed it – that way I knew I needed to continue to finish each module on time! I was in Corfu, Greece, in a villa there where we were “locked down” due to the pandemic, so I just did my best with the equipment and setting I had. The last parts were finished in Mexico near the beach – again, I had to do my best in the setting regarding recording.
But the process and content flowed and it felt like a coming together of everything I had been doing for the years before.
Tell us a little about the process of launching your course and getting your first sale(s).
I was nervous about launching and wondering if I would be able to sell the course because I had always worked with people based on relationships and recommendations. I hired a coach and paid for his expensive course to work out a sales strategy – but truthfully I found his approach to be too pushy, inauthentic, and at times even manipulative. So whilst I gained so practical tips, this also slowed me down as I tried to use parts of his approach but didn’t want to force myself to follow any process that didn’t feel authentic to me.
In the end, I found that creating authentic content and building my LinkedIn network has been most helpful, as well as my podcast Going Conscious which now has 13,000+ subscribers in 30+ countries, where I invite people to find out more about the course if they want to.
Do you have a lead magnet?
Yes – I have a free 7 day Mini Mastermind offer that anyone can sign up for and use. We now have hundreds of people who have gone through it and provided great feedback. I didn’t want it to just feel like sales with barely any benefit, so I give people real tools for free that they can take away and use. If my approach resonates with them, they will get in touch to book a call with me. If not, that’s ok and I hope they have taken something valuable from it. Also sometimes it’s not the right time for someone, and after dipping their toe in, they come back to me later.
What’s the traffic strategy that works best for you?
Honest, genuine connections. The organic growth of my network and clients recommending me. And, Clubhouse (the voice social media app) at the start of 2021 is still delivering new clients and partnerships! The first few months of last year were special there and deep friendships were made. Now it’s very different.
I have tried using Instagram but have not found it to be fruitful – I am not at a point in my life where I want to be making constant videos, so I’m not really able to use the platform in a way that the algorithm favors.
What online course platform are you using?
I use Kajabi as my online course platform.
Kajabi is the All-In-One Course Platform
Kajabi is one of the top online course platforms used by successful course creators interviewed on coursemethod.com. Kajabi includes email marketing and other tools that make it easy to run your entire business from their platform.
- Price Range: $149 to $399/month
- Most Popular Plan: Growth Plan at $199/month
- Annual Discount: Yes, take 20% off!
- Free Trial: Get a 14-day free trial (credit card required)
Do you like it?
Yes, I find it very easy to use and (mostly) intuitive. It provides a professional place for me to house my course for my students. However, it’s quite pricey.
Are there any features you wish it had?
I would like to be able to edit videos in Kajabi. I don’t think it has that feature although I know it can do a lot that I don’t use it for!
What made you decide to use your chosen platform over others?
Professional and straightforward – mostly though because it was recommended to me and I was shown how to use it which saved me time.
What other tools do you use to run your online course business?
Bitly, Libsyn, Squarespace, LinkedIn, Instagram…
I absolutely love Squarespace! It’s easy to make a very attractive site and the customer service is the best!
What books or training programs have you found useful on your journey to a successful business owner that others might find valuable too?
Gosh, so many!
App: Apple Podcasts
I am endlessly inspired by Russel Brand’s “Under the skin”. I love discovering female podcasters from the Skylark Collective of women podcaster’s which I am a founding member.
Book: “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael A Singer.
This book showed me how the beauty of surrendering to spirituality and the flow of the universe can bring you your biggest business successes – spirituality and business are not mutually exclusive and it doesn’t have to be a fight.
Do you have any big mistakes you’ve made along the way that you’d be willing to share?
There have been many. Wanting to do everything at once! Having so many ideas and wanting them all to come to life but knowing that spreading myself too thinly will not lead to any good results.
I overcome this urge by keeping an ideas board where I log all the things I want to do but only allow myself to have 3 main focuses at any one time. Then, I review these 3 items every 3 months. - Nikki Trott Click To TweetI have also found saying “no” to be the hardest thing, which I am constantly trying to practice by focusing on my top 3 priorities that I have selected and asking if requests that come into me serve them well or not. Sometimes it’s ok to say “no”. And other times it’s ok to say “this is not the right time”. What will help you to achieve the most important goals for you?
Please share some idea of revenue.
Our Mastermind is around the 5k mark in GBP, and we have various levels of one-on-one prices. I also do offers for people as I try to make my services more inclusive.
Please tell us a little about what the money you’ve earned from your course has done for you.
Take the time off I wanted to when I gave birth to my daughter. I took about 6 weeks off completely and then did bits of work here and there for the next 6 weeks.
In addition to revenue are there any numbers you would like to share?
13,000+ listeners to the Going Conscious podcast in over 30 countries.
- I did this by building up my audience over time with a consistent podcast release every week – now 80 consecutive weeks. By sharing each episode on Instagram and inviting my guests to share it too. And by asking my listeners to share the podcast episodes with their networks.
8,000+ followers on Clubhouse.
- Showing up authentically at the right time and hosting conversations about conscious business, empowering women, ethical entrepreneurship, and going conscious.
100+ brands I have provided strategic guidance to.
- Built my network over time globally and allowed recommendations to flow over time.
What has creating your course done for you personally?
Enabled me to understand more ways that I can help people – and showed me that I very much want to write a book!
Do you have a story of a transformation from any of your clients?
There are many transformation stories from my clients. Reading every one of the feedback I receive makes me feel huge gratitude and a sense of fulfillment.
“My experience with the Mastermind was deep and profound and I truly believe that I hugely benefited from it. It helped me to understand so many subconscious patterns of mine and not only to work through them but activate tools to overcome them and replace them with new and positive ones that are beneficial on a personal and professional level.”
Daniela Felder, Co-Founder Felder Felder
“Nikkis’ Mastermind and support helped me dismantle all the stories I was telling myself about what I am supposed to be doing, versus what truly matters to me. I tapped into my truth and this is now the most powerful tool I have to make any decisions concerning my purpose. Thank you Nikki for such intuition and presence! I recommend it to anyone who is currently searching and seeking their true north node.“
Marion Bott, Author, Actor, Dreamcoach.
What advice do you have for people just starting out?
Be very clear about why you want to do what you want to do.
What’s the real, fundamental reason underpinning everything? Then make your idea incredibly simple. - Nikki Trott Click To TweetYou should be able to explain it to someone – and for them to get it – with one sentence. If you can’t, you’re not ready yet and have more exploration and clarification to do.
Starting with a messy idea leads to a lot of wasted energy and a lack of cut-through to your audience. On that note, the second thing is to absolutely know your audience and investigate them rather than base everything on your presumptions of what they are like, which is tempting.
Before I started, I wish I knew more about the sales process for online courses. It is such a competitive space and it took me a while to hire the right people. I was trying to make things work with people who were not experienced enough. Eventually, I realized that, as sales aren’t my favorite area, it’s worth me investing in a team who are amazing at that part.
Learn more about Nikki Trott of consciousaccelerator.com:
- Website: consciousaccelerator.com