How Luke Tew of Helped Create LinkedIn Courses as an Alternative for Marketing Services

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  • Who: Luke Tew
  • Website:
  • Course Topic: Marketing & Selling
  • Interesting Stats: 100 YouTube subscribers per webcast

Who are you and what course have you created?

I’m Luke Tew Head of Digital Media at Maverrik®, UK’s No.1 Social Selling Training & Consulting Company. We specialize in growing businesses by improving their online social presence and sales process.

I’ve created numerous courses covering content marketing, value proposition, and leveraging LinkedIn tools for better prospecting. Using our Founder Dean Seddons methodologies, tools, trackers, and online training sessions.

Our latest course The Fundamentals of LinkedIn is designed to take any profile from a beginner profile into a fully developed business platform. If you’re looking for a complete guide on everything you possibly need to know about LinkedIn, then Fundamentals of LinkedIn is for you.

What market does your online course serve?

This course is for anyone who wants to use LinkedIn to grow their business.

Luke Tew site

What’s the biggest benefit of taking your course?

Many users on LinkedIn feel like they don’t achieve the biggest benefit from their profiles. They understand that it can generate a lot of business, but feel like they don’t know which steps to take or why they should take them. The Fundamentals course lays out a clear path forwards. Leaving them with an engaging profile, a growing network, and members they can sell to without resorting to pushy, black-hat tactics.

How did you get into the market?

Within Maverrik® we have to learn how to grow and develop our skills consistently to keep our courses, training, and implementation up-to-date.  As we were a small business I personally got into the market through the work and development of Maverrik®.

Why did you decide to create an online course in the first place?

Online courses are a great method to learn and develop your skills. You can keep track of modules you’ve completed and use the tools the platform and trainers give you. Creating a course seemed like a natural progression for us, as we had a vast amount of training available in-house. Moving that training to an on-demand service, as well as in-house, opened up a lot more opportunities for us.

Luke Tew site

Did you have any moments of doubt before you created/launched it?

There is always the worry of underdelivering on a course. You need to be able to present the course materials in such a way that anyone entering the course can easily pick up the material and walk away with something. All you have to do is review how members respond to your course and not be afraid to take advice on board. Thankfully we’ve had a few additional pieces of content our members have created which we placed within our courses as we knew it would deliver more value to the course. I think that flexibility is key.

What’s your online course like?

Our courses are a mix of video tutorials and worksheets so you can keep track of your progression. We also add our presentational materials so everything gets covered.

Luke Tew site

How long did it take you to create your course?

For the course, we needed to individually film every step of the LinkedIn process, which took an entire couple of days of production to complete. We needed to meticulously dissect each part of the LinkedIn process which was challenging, but worth the effort. Each section was then written and added to our eLearning platform which structured the course.

Tell us a little about the process of launching your course and getting your first sale(s).

We launched the course at our online store, much like our other courses available. Our first sale came from an email campaign highlighting the new course, which I was pleased to hear got positive reviews!

Do you have a lead magnet?

We have a variety of lead magnets essentially to bring members into our world. This is so we can clearly define their needs. One the these is the lead generation checklist which is PDF checklist members can use to review the steps they are taking to generate leads on LinkedIn.

What’s the traffic strategy that works best for you?

One of the best ways to generate traffic to this course in particular is through organic content. Our blog posts covering LinkedIn essentials bring in the right audience for our course. But the best way is through our LinkedIn profiles, which is essentially what the course is all about.

Luke Tew site

What online course platform are you using?

The courses are currently being hosted through Kajabi.

Kajabi Promo

Kajabi is the All-In-One Course Platform

Kajabi is one of the top online course platforms used by successful course creators interviewed on Kajabi includes email marketing and other tools that make it easy to run your entire business from their platform.

  • Price Range: $149 to $399/month
  • Most Popular Plan: Growth Plan at $199/month
  • Annual Discount: Yes, take 20% off!
  • Free Trial: Get a 14-day free trial (credit card required)
*Our content is reader supported, which means when you buy from links you click on, we may earn a commission.

Do you like it?

It’s a good platform that has all the tools we need for our courses.

Are there any features you wish it had?

I’m sure there are a few tweaks our web team would like to make, but so far there haven’t been any complaints.

What made you decide to use your chosen platform over others?

We were looking for a platform that we could easily use alongside our other programs such as Shopify and the integration seemed to work well, so we went ahead with Kajabi.

What other tools do you use to run your online course business?

We have a variety of plugins, eCommerce tools, and advertising platforms that we use for research and implementation purposes. I couldn’t list them all, but it’s grown quite a bit over time.

Luke Tew site

What books or training programs have you found useful on your journey to a successful business owner that others might find valuable too?

There are a few good books by our Founder Dean Seddon that covers our course materials and approach really well. What I essentially use to create our courses is capturing the training and strategies to present in the simplest format possible. Understanding how to do that is a key skill for course development.

Do you have any big mistakes you’ve made along the way that you’d be willing to share?

Personally, quite a few. Professionally, the biggest mistake I usually make is timescale. A course will always take longer to make than you initially thought.

Please share some idea of revenue.

As The Fundamentals of LinkedIn is a £295 course it’s not flying off the shelves as we don’t promote it to everyone who walks through the door. It’s just not how we do things. We generally sell about 2 to 3 per month to those we feel need the course.

Please tell us a little about what the money you’ve earned from your course has done for you.

The business the platform we’ve grown and developed has led to a lot of growth, bringing in at least 6 new team members. Which is a lot in the grand scheme of things today!

Luke Tew site

In addition to revenue are there any numbers you would like to share?

We put on Free webcasts every Tuesday at 7 PM UK. This draws in a variety of people looking to grow and develop their business, whatever that business may be. This generates at least 100 YouTube Subscribers per broadcast and at the end of the event.

What has creating your course done for you personally?

You really feel like you know your stuff when you’ve taught others how to do it. It’s a feeling that doesn’t go away.- Luke Tew Click To Tweet

Do you have a story of a transformation from any of your clients?

One of our clients managed to sell a $1.5 Million deal off the back of our training and support. That is possibly the biggest result we’ve had to date with our courses.

What advice do you have for people just starting out?

It’ll take some time, you’ll have to change and adapt your course over time and be willing to accept feedback on every level. - Luke Tew Click To Tweet

Learn more about Luke Tew of

Lisa Parmley
Lisa Parmley

Lisa Parmley is the founder of After gaining a Master's degree, she worked in research for about seven years. She started a training company in 2001, offering a course helping people pass a professional exam. That course has earned multiple 7 figures. She created SEO and authority site building training around 2007 which went on to earn well into the 6-figure mark.

She has 22+ years of experience in the trenches creating and selling online courses. Get help starting and growing your online course business here.

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